Eco Skincare Guide 101: Is Green Really the New Black?

When it comes to the definition of organic skincare, a product or a product ingredient is seen as organic if it has been obtained from renewable sources without the use of synthetic pesticides and petroleum or sewage sludge fertilizers. As such, organic ... ( read original story ...)

The 2017 skincare trends you need to have on your radar

The beauty industry thrives on innovation and buzzwords, and 2016 was the year that ‘antipollution’ stole the show, as a flurry of lotions and potions promised to protect against skin-damaging micro-sized particles. Meanwhile, we saw a growing interest ... ( read original story ...)

Belif: Korean Skincare Kits for Dry Skin

My skin has definitely gotten drier over the past 2 months. The cold, dry weather, and the heat from the furnace, the dryness from the fireplace. Dry. Dry. Dry. I Bought This - Affiliate links Although I am often, if not always, testing out new skincare ... ( read original story ...)

17 Skincare Resolutions EVERY Girl Should Make In 2017!

2017 can be the year you get that gorgeous glowing skin you’ve always wanted! All you need to do is make some tiny promises to yourself and stick to them! Here are 17 skincare resolutions you must follow in 2017 for a radiant complexion! 1. To let each ... ( read original story ...)