All Natural Skin Care

“A great moisturizer, it makes a fantastic replacement for petroleum, which is commonly used,” says Marrone. “It also has antifungal and antibacterial properties, which is great for blemish prone skin.” Plus, coconut reduces the appearance of pores ... ( read original story ...)

The Sneaky Way Your Attitude Can Affect Your Skin

Positivity-centric wellness brands are on the rise (some, like Goop, have started selling their own skin-care products), celeb derms such as Harold Lancer, MD, are preaching the power of inner health for outer beauty (Kim K. and Victoria Beckham are two of ... ( read original story ...)

The DIY Facial That Completely Transformed My Skin

My skin feels so soft and smooth afterwards. I recommend watching the YouTube videos first on how to do it so you don't nick yourself. I use the tool from Stacked skincare; it comes with a few blades that are good for a few months. Peel. After the ... ( read original story ...)