Brilliant Anti-Aging Hacks For Any Age

The best way to start on an anti-aging routine is in your teens — roughly as young as you can go. So, is being 30 or 50 too late? There’s no better time than now than to hit up your lifestyle and your skin care routine to get the best skin (and the ... ( read ...

Best Anti-Aging Skincare That Won’t Make You Break Out

There are a few rules to abide by to ensure you get bang for your buck. For starters, the label should always say “non-comedogenic,” which means it won’t clog pores. “The worst culprit is silicone for those that are acne-prone,” says Dr. Julia ... ( read original story ...)

Essential Science: Methylene Blue as an anti-aging treatment

Aging is inevitable for living organisms and part of the course of life. With modern medicine life expectancy can be extended and there are various ‘tricks’ to give the appearance of not aging. But is true slowing down of aging possible? The fountain ... ( read original story ...)

Why Anti-Aging Products Are the New Startup Frontier

The movement to look -- and feel -- younger continues to be big business, with an endless supply of customers. According to Transparency Market Research, the global anti-aging industry will be worth nearly $200 billion by 2019. The reasons for that growth ... ( read original story ...)

Dr. Grandel Timeless Anti-age Concentrate 50 Ml Pro Size – Effective Anti-aging Serum. Reduces Wrinkles of All Types, Tones and Tightens.

Dr Grandel Timeless Anti-Aging Concentrate 50 ml Firming Concentrate Low effective anti-aging serum. Reduces wrinkles of all types, tones and tightens. Sensational in effect softens DR GRANDEL TIMELESS Anti-Age Concentrate the signs of the times. This novel formulation is a multi-talented in the fight against wrinkles - particularly expression lines - while delivering more elasticity and strength . ...