Skin-Care Ingredients to Avoid in Winter

If you're going through a rough skin patch this Winter, you're not alone. After all, with cold weather typically comes a lack of moisture and, as a result, dry and even scaly skin. That said, there are things you could be doing to make the situation worse. ( read original story ...)

Gigi Hadid and Bella Hadid’s Skincare Routine Review

I guess considering how incredible and glow-y both Gigi and Bella's skin is, I expected that by using their products mine would turn out the same. (Is Dior Beauty Spokesmodel-level skin so much to ask for?!) The lesson here, though, transcends beyond just ... ( read original story ...)

The products that finally calmed my sensitive skin

I would wear makeup and it would make my face itch, but not to the point where it was on fire or anything. I had to stop using all my usual skincare products because they gave me a burning sensation, but if you just looked at my face, you wouldn’t even ... ( read original ...

The Low-Down on Vitamins in Your Skincare: Do They Work?

Vitamins equal good, especially when it comes to our skin, right? It’s one of those beauty facts widely accepted, but the precise benefits of vitamins in skincare aren’t necessarily understood by most. Including these essential nutrients in our diet ... ( read original story ...)

Everything you need to know about skin pigmentation

Pigmentation, unfortunately cannot be completely undone, but this skin issue can be kept in check. It requires a proper skin care regime. Always keep these things in mind: Use a good sunblock two to three times a day Take supplements of anti-oxidants ... ( read original story ...)