Vancouver Facial Hair Club brings out the beard in people

Terry Sagona readily admits that having a long bushy beard hasn't made his life any easier for the past three years, especially when it comes to eating and drinking. "Total pain in the butt," he said from Vancouver's Lamplighter Pub, where he was a ... ( read original story ...)

JetBlue testing facial-recognition boarding system in Boston

JetBlue Airways will soon begin testing technology at Boston’s Logan International Airport that will use facial-recognition in lieu of a boarding pass to clear passengers to board their flights, the airline said today. Starting in June, passengers on the ... ( read original story ...)

Japanese facial recognition system tightens concert security

A new facial recognition system could enhance security and ID checks at gigs and concerts according to its Japanese developers. Stuart McDill reports. Demonstrating the facial recognition system from Its developers say it could help strengthen ... ( read original story ...)