Natural Beauty For Brides With Darker Skin Tones

Just a little slice of simplicity for you this lunchtime – elegant florals from Flowers By Eve, delicious dresses and some gorgeous, natural beauty looks from The Bridal Stylists. Getting the levels of coverage right for you big day is a tricky balance ... ( read original story ...)

Skincare tips from a hawker-turned-beauty brand founder

At first glance, you’d never guess that the immaculately groomed Claire Au spent her twenties as a hawker. As a young girl, Claire, who is now in her mid-thirties, dreamed of starting her own beauty company, especially since she'd grown up watching her ... ( read original story ...)

5 Natural Skincare Ingredients That Work!

Natural SKINCARE ingredients can be SUPER powerful! Here are 5 awesome skin loving natural ingredients that work! Get some of these into your skincare regime and your skin will be all 'OMG you are amazing! Love you! Knowing what is going on your skin is ... ( read original story ...)

Does your skincare stop working over time?

A woman’s relationship with her beauty products is an emotional one. Fall in love with a fragrance in the heady flush of youth and it’s hailed as your signature; settle on the perfect shade of foundation and it’s hard to move on. But anti-ageing creams? ( read original story ...)

5 New Ways To Use Your Beauty Products

With so many products hitting the mainstream, and this being the season of minimalism, I thought I’d cut down on some of my products and give you five ways to use the natural beauty goods you already have in new and interesting ways. Read my suggestions ... ( read original story ...)