BEAUTY CLINIC: Natural deos that deliver

Q Do you have suggestions for natural deodorants? I don't perspire profusely but need something to prevent pong and preferably perspiration too. A We haven’t carried out formal Beauty Bible product testing on natural deodorants for some years but Sarah ... ( read original story ...)

Top 10 skincare mistakes most women make

There’s so much skincare advice around that it can be downright confusion as to what to do and what to avoid. Then, life gets in the way. Busy schedules, late nights and a few drinks, then the skincare rules go out the window. I’ve been working as a ... ( read original story ...)

BEAUTY CLINIC: Skincare to soothe mild rosacea

Argan Organics is a consistently impressive small range from Scotland, which uses natural ingredients and is very well-priced ... suits her skin best. Beauty Bible loves… Neal's Yard Remedies Frankincense Intense Lift Serum, £75 for 30 ml. ( read original story ...)